Basics: elevation data

In this example, we will look at elevation data from the worldclim 2 data, crop it for Western Europe, and then change the resolution to aggregate the data. The first step is to get the worldclim layer for elevation:

using SimpleSDMLayers
using StatsPlots
import Statistics
elevation = convert(Float32, SimpleSDMPredictor(WorldClim, Elevation))
SDM response → 1080×2160 grid with 808053 Float32-valued cells
  Latitudes	-90.0 ⇢ 90.0
  Longitudes	-180.0 ⇢ 180.0

Thanks to the integration with Plots and StatsPlots, we can very rapidly visualize these data:

heatmap(elevation, c=:cividis, frame=:box)

Let's also have a look at the density while we're at it:

density(elevation, frame=:zerolines, c=:grey, fill=(0, :grey, 0.2), leg=false)

The next step is to clip the data to the region of interest. This requires a the coordinates of the bounding box as two tuples (for longitude and latitude) – we can also make a quick heatmap to see what the region looks like:

elevation_europe = clip(elevation; left=-11.0, right=31.5, bottom=29.0, top=71.5)
SDM response → 255×255 grid with 38507 Float32-valued cells
  Latitudes	29.0 ⇢ 71.5
  Longitudes	-11.0 ⇢ 31.5
heatmap(elevation_europe, c=:cividis, aspectratio=1, frame=:box)

The next step will be to coarsen these data, which requires to give the number of cells to merge alongside each dimension. This number of cells must be a divider of the grid size, which we can view with:

(255, 255)

In an ideal world, we could want to find a number of cells that is the same both for latitude and longitude, and one approach is to finagle our way into a correct grid by changing the clipping region.

In this case, we will use a coarsening scale of (5,5), which gives us a total of 25 cells in the aggregated result. Our aggregation function will be mean (so we report the average elevation across these cells):

elevation_europe_coarse = coarsen(elevation_europe, Statistics.mean, (5, 5))
SDM response → 51×51 grid with 1824 Float32-valued cells
  Latitudes	29.0 ⇢ 71.5
  Longitudes	-11.0 ⇢ 31.5

Once again, we can plot these data:

heatmap(elevation_europe_coarse, aspectratio=1, c=:cividis, frame=:box)

Finally, we can compare our different clipping and approximations to the overall dataset:

density(elevation, frame=:zerolines, c=:grey, fill=(0, :grey, 0.5), lab="")
density!(elevation_europe, c=:black, lab="Raw data")
density!(elevation_europe_coarse, c=:darkgrey, lab="Average")