Landcover data

In this example, we will look at landcover data in Corsica

using SimpleSDMLayers
using Plots

To avoid loading the (rather large) dataset of land cover at once, we will rely on a bounding box:

boundaries = (left=8.25, right=10.0, bottom=41.2, top=43.2)
(left = 8.25, right = 10.0, bottom = 41.2, top = 43.2)

The numbers corresponding to the layers can be found in the documentation for SimpleSDMPredictor - urban area is 9.

urban = SimpleSDMPredictor(EarthEnv, LandCover, 9; boundaries...)
SDM predictor → 240×210 grid with 50400 UInt8-valued cells
  Latitudes	41.2 ⇢ 43.20000000000002
  Longitudes	8.249999999999996 ⇢ 10.000000000000004

This dataset is returning data as UInt8 (as it represents a proportion of the pixel occupied by the type), but this is not something that can be plotted efficiently (because we rely on NaN to indicate no data, and UInt8 has no NaN). So in the next step, we will manipulate this object a little bit to have something more workable.

urban = convert(Float16, urban)
SDM response → 240×210 grid with 50400 Float16-valued cells
  Latitudes	41.2 ⇢ 43.20000000000002
  Longitudes	8.249999999999996 ⇢ 10.000000000000004

Why Float16? It is the smallest floating point type with a NaN value (NaN16). We will replace the values of 0 by nothing, to only see the pixels with at least some urban cover:

replace!(urban, zero(eltype(urban)) => nothing)
SDM response → 240×210 grid with 889 Float16-valued cells
  Latitudes	41.2 ⇢ 43.20000000000002
  Longitudes	8.249999999999996 ⇢ 10.000000000000004

With this done, we can plot the results:

plot(urban; c=:berlin, clim=(0, 100))

Unsuprisingly to anyone who had the chance to visit Corsica, it is not a very densely urbanized island. This is a good time to question whether we can look at (i) which landcover type dominates within each pixel, and (ii) how heterogeneous the land use within each pixel is.

First, we will download all values for the landcover layers, including open water (12).

landcover =
        Float16, SimpleSDMPredictor(EarthEnv, LandCover, 1:12; full=false, boundaries...)

    plot.(landcover, leg=false, c=:oleron, clim=(0, 100))...;

To perform the actual analysis, we will define a shannon function, which will return the entropy of the land use categories:

function shannon(x)
    v = filter(n -> n > zero(eltype(x)), x)
    length(v) == 0 && return NaN
    v = v ./ sum(v)
    return -sum(v .* log2.(v))

entropy = mosaic(shannon, landcover)
SDM response → 210×240 grid with 50400 Float16-valued cells
  Latitudes	41.2 ⇢ 43.20000000000002
  Longitudes	8.249999999999996 ⇢ 10.000000000000004

We can also get the index of the most common layer within the pixel:

consensus = mosaic(x -> last(findmax(x)), landcover)
SDM response → 210×240 grid with 50400 Float16-valued cells
  Latitudes	41.2 ⇢ 43.20000000000002
  Longitudes	8.249999999999996 ⇢ 10.000000000000004

We may not be that interested in fully open water, so let's define a mask to remove it:

openwater = broadcast(!isequal(12), consensus)
SDM response → 210×240 grid with 50400 Bool-valued cells
  Latitudes	41.2 ⇢ 43.20000000000002
  Longitudes	8.249999999999996 ⇢ 10.000000000000004

All that's left to do is to plot after applying this mask, and we now get a map of most common land cover type (left), and land cover heterogeneity (right)

p1 = plot(mask(openwater, consensus); c=:terrain, frame=:none)
p2 = plot(mask(openwater, entropy); c=:lapaz, frame=:none)
plot(p1, p2)