Reading and writing files

ascii(file::AbstractString, datatype::Type{T}=Float64) where {T <: Number}

Reads the content of a grid file to a SimpleSDMPredictor, the type of which is given by the datatype argument.

ascii(layer::SimpleSDMPredictor{T}, file::AbstractString; nodata::T=convert(T, -9999)) where {T <: Number}

Writes a layer to a grid file, with a given nodata value. The layer must store numbers.

ascii(layer::SimpleSDMResponse{T}, file::AbstractString; nodata::T=convert(T, -9999)) where {T <: Number}

Writes a layer to a grid file, with a given nodata value. The layer must store numbers.

geotiff(::Type{LT}, file, bandnumber::Integer=1; left=nothing, right=nothing, bottom=nothing, top=nothing) where {LT <: SimpleSDMLayer}

The geotiff function reads a geotiff file, and returns it as a matrix of the correct type. The optional arguments left, right, bottom, and left are defining the bounding box to read from the file. This is particularly useful if you want to get a small subset from large files.

The first argument is the type of the SimpleSDMLayer to be returned.

geotiff(file::AbstractString, layer::SimpleSDMPredictor{T}; nodata::T=convert(T, -9999)) where {T <: Number}

Write a single layer to a file, where the nodata field is set to an arbitrary value.

geotiff(file::AbstractString, layers::Vector{SimpleSDMPredictor{T}}; nodata::T=convert(T, -9999)) where {T <: Number}

Stores a series of layers in a file, where every layer in a band. See geotiff for other options.

geotiff(file::AbstractString, layer::SimpleSDMResponse{T}; nodata::T=convert(T, -9999)) where {T <: Number}

Write a single SimpleSDMResponse layer to a file.

geotiff(file::AbstractString, layers::Vector{SimpleSDMResponse{T}}; nodata::T=convert(T, -9999)) where {T <: Number}

Write a vector of SimpleSDMResponse layers to bands in a file.
