Building the BIOCLIM model

Justification for this use case: SImpleSDMLayers can be used as a platform to build your own species distribution models. In this example, which assumes that you have read the vignettes on GBIF integration and variable selection through VIF, we will build our own version of the BIOCLIM model, and apply it to the distribution of Hypomyces lactifluorum in North America.

using SimpleSDMLayers
using GBIF
using Plots
using GLM
using StatsBase
using Statistics
using GeometryBasics

BIOCLIM is a very simple model, which only requires presence information. The first step is therefore to get occurrences of Hypomyces lactifluorum in North America. Because the data in GBIF is only as good as the original data source, sometimes searching by continent gives fewer results than searching by country.

observations = occurrences(
    GBIF.taxon("Hypomyces lactifluorum"; strict=true),
    "hasCoordinate" => "true",
    "country" => "CA",
    "country" => "US",
    "limit" => 300,
GBIF records: downloaded 300 out of 2921

We will now page through additional results (300 at a time).

while length(observations) < size(observations)

At this point, we could read the whole predictor variables directly, and then clip them. This would be fairly wasteful, as we need a small area. For this reason, we will calculate the bounding box first, and then use it to only read the section we want.

left, right = extrema(longitudes(observations)) .+ (-5, 5)
bottom, top = extrema(latitudes(observations)) .+ (-5, 5)
boundaries = (left=left, right=right, bottom=bottom, top=top)
(left = -164.022167, right = -55.250858, bottom = 23.547132, top = 72.105833)

With this information in hand, we can start getting our variables. In this example, we will take all of the BioClim data from WorldClim, at the 10 arc minute resolution, and add the elevation layer. Note that using the bounding box coordinates when calling the layers is much faster than clipping after the fact (assuming that you already have the files downloaded).

predictors =
        Float32, SimpleSDMPredictor(WorldClim, BioClim, 1:19; resolution=10.0, boundaries...)

We will add the elevation to the stack of variables we use – we need to convert everything to Float32 layers, because elevation is originally an Int16 one and a number of operations we will make will require floating points

        Float32, SimpleSDMPredictor(WorldClim, Elevation; resolution=10.0, boundaries...)

It is not a bad idea to plot all of the predictors:

plot(plot.(predictors, grid=:none, axes=false, frame=:none, leg=false, c=:imola)...)

Clearly, some of them show strong autocorrelation; we will therefore re-use our VIF code to select a subset that has uncorrelated variables.

function vif(model)
    R² = r2(model)
    return 1 / (1-R²)

function stepwisevif(
    layers::Vector{T}, selection=collect(1:length(layers)), threshold::Float64=5.0
) where {T<:SimpleSDMLayer}
    x = hcat([layer[keys(layer)] for layer in layers[selection]]...)
    X = (x .- mean(x; dims=1)) ./ std(x; dims=1)
    vifs = zeros(Float64, length(selection))
    for i in eachindex(selection)
        vifs[i] = vif(lm(X[:, setdiff(eachindex(selection), i)], X[:, i]))
    all(vifs .<= threshold) && return selection
    drop = last(findmax(vifs))
    popat!(selection, drop)
    @info "Variables remaining: $(selection)"
    return stepwisevif(layers, selection, threshold)
stepwisevif (generic function with 3 methods)

We will apply this function with the default parameters:

layers_to_keep = stepwisevif(predictors)
7-element Vector{Int64}:

When this is done, we can plot the layers again to check that they are all more or less unique:

        predictors[layers_to_keep], grid=:none, axes=false, frame=:none, leg=false, c=:imola

The point of BIOCLIM (the model, not the dataset) is that the score assigned to a pixel is maximal if this pixel is the median value for a given variable. Therefore, we need to measure the cumulative density function for every pixel in every variable, and transform it with:

_pixel_score(x) = 2.0(x > 0.5 ? 1.0 - x : x);

The actual model generation is fairly straightforward, as we will need to get the values of the layers in the cells occupied by an observation. Because sampling bias is very real, we will grid the observations by transforming them into a boolean layer:

presences = mask(predictors[1], observations, Bool)
plot(convert(Float32, presences); c=cgrad([:lightgrey, :black]), leg=false)

This step is very important so as not to bias the estimation of quantiles, which overcounting observations within the same cell would do. We can now define the model:

function SDM(predictor::T1, observations::T2) where {T1<:SimpleSDMLayer,T2<:SimpleSDMLayer}
    _tmp = mask(observations, predictor)
    qf = ecdf(convert(Vector{Float32}, _tmp[keys(_tmp)])) # We only want the observed values
    return (_pixel_score ∘ qf)
SDM (generic function with 1 method)

Note that we use the ∘ (\circ) operator to chain the quantile estimation and the pixel scoring, which requires Julia 1.4. This function returns a model, i.e. a function that we can broadcast to a given layer, which might not be the same one we used for the training.

The next step in BIOCLIM is to get the minimum suitability across all layers for every pixel. Because we have a min method defined for a pair of layers, we can call minimum on an array of layers:

function SDM(predictors::Vector{T}, models) where {T<:SimpleSDMLayer}
    @assert length(models) == length(predictors)
    return minimum([broadcast(models[i], predictors[i]) for i in 1:length(predictors)])
SDM (generic function with 2 methods)

The advantage of this approach is that we can call the SDM method for prediction on a smaller layer, or a different layer. This can allow us to do thing like stitching layers together with hcat and vcat to use multi-threading, or use a different resolution for the prediction than we did for the training.

models = [SDM(predictor, presences) for predictor in predictors];

We now get the prediction:

prediction = SDM(predictors, models)
SDM response → 292×654 grid with 100744 Float64-valued cells
  Latitudes	23.5 ⇢ 72.16666666666666
  Longitudes	-164.16666666666669 ⇢ -55.166666666666664

It's not a bad idea to look at this prediction, to get a sense of where the hotspots of presence would be:

plot(prediction; c=:bamako, frame=:box)

Just because we may want to visualize this result in a transformed way, i.e. by looking at the quantiles of suitability, we can call the rescale function:

prediction_quantile = rescale(prediction, collect(0.0:0.005:1.0))
SDM response → 292×654 grid with 100744 Float64-valued cells
  Latitudes	23.5 ⇢ 72.16666666666666
  Longitudes	-164.16666666666669 ⇢ -55.166666666666664

As this map now represents the quantiles of suitability, we may want to remove the lower 5%. For this, we need to create a boolean mask, which we can do by broadcasting a conditional:

cutoff = broadcast(x -> x > 0.05, prediction_quantile)
SDM response → 292×654 grid with 100744 Bool-valued cells
  Latitudes	23.5 ⇢ 72.16666666666666
  Longitudes	-164.16666666666669 ⇢ -55.166666666666664

The raw prediction, minus the 5% bottom quantiles, can the be plotted:

plot(prediction; frame=:box, c=:lightgrey)
plot!(mask(cutoff, prediction); c=:bamako)

And there it is! A simple way to write the BIOCLIM model by building on the integration between SimpleSDMLayers and GBIF. BIOCLIM has a tendency to underfit the distribution quite a bit - in fact, the range returned here is larger than what other methods (like BRT) would return. The next vignettes in this section will be focused on using additional functionalities of SimpleSDMLayers until we are able to make a better model for this species.