Generating pseudo absences

using SimpleSDMLayers
using Plots
using GBIF
using StatsBase

Justification for this use case: by contrast to the BIOCLIM model from the previous use case, many models require background knowledge about where the species is not, which is rarely available. For this reason, we often need to resort to generating pseudo-absences, by applying various guesses based on where we know species are.

In this example, we will see how to generate pseudo-absences (according to Barbet-Massin et al.) using three methods: radius-based, surface range envelope, and random selection. To begin with, we will occurrences for the Lobster mushroom in Canada and the US.

sp = GBIF.taxon("Hypomyces lactifluorum")
observations = occurrences(sp, "hasCoordinate" => true, "limit" => 300, "country" => "CA", "country" => "US")
while length(observations) < size(observations)

In order to have a layer to start working, we will get the precipitation layer:

layer = clip(SimpleSDMPredictor(WorldClim, BioClim, 12), observations)
SDM predictor → 278×712 grid with 100109 Float32-valued cells
  Latitudes	24.666666666666668 ⇢ 71.0
  Longitudes	-169.0 ⇢ -50.33333333333333

We can visualize the results of this query:

plot(layer, c=:devon)
scatter!(longitudes(observations), latitudes(observations), lab="", msw=0.0, ms=1, c=:orange)

The first step here is to remove the redundancy in observations: multiple observations in the same cell do not really convey a lot of information. For this reason, we can create a very sparse layer with only presences:

presences = mask(layer, observations, Bool)
SDM response → 278×712 grid with 100109 Bool-valued cells
  Latitudes	24.666666666666668 ⇢ 71.0
  Longitudes	-169.0 ⇢ -50.33333333333333

This is enough to start generating pseudo-absences. We will first use the RandomSelection method, which will pick positions anywhere on the layer except in places that are already occupied. Because our species has one occurrence far away in Alaska this might not be the best method, but this is a simple one to grasp.

rs_pa = rand(RandomSelection, presences)
SDM response → 278×712 grid with 100109 Bool-valued cells
  Latitudes	24.666666666666668 ⇢ 71.0
  Longitudes	-169.0 ⇢ -50.33333333333333

We can plot this layer to see what it looks like:

plot(convert(Float32, rs_pa), c=:Greys, leg=false)
scatter!(longitudes(observations), latitudes(observations), lab="", msw=0.0, ms=1, c=:orange)

This is obviously not ideal, as there are pseudo-absences very far from the observations. An alternative is to use the SurfaceRangeEnvelope method, which is limited to the bounding box of observations.

sre_pa = rand(SurfaceRangeEnvelope, presences)
SDM response → 278×712 grid with 100109 Bool-valued cells
  Latitudes	24.666666666666668 ⇢ 71.0
  Longitudes	-169.0 ⇢ -50.33333333333333

We can plot this layer to see what it looks like:

plot(convert(Float32, sre_pa), c=:Greys, leg=false)
scatter!(longitudes(observations), latitudes(observations), lab="", msw=0.0, ms=1, c=:orange)

It is a little bit better, but the extreme point means that the surface range envelope is very large – in addition, the species has a distribution with large gaps in it, so we are going to experiment with the WithinRadius method.

This method will allow pseudo-absences to be within a set distance (expressed in degrees) of any given observation, excluding the grid cells for which we already have an observation. The default distance is 1 degree.

wr_one_pa = rand(WithinRadius, presences)
SDM response → 278×712 grid with 100109 Bool-valued cells
  Latitudes	24.666666666666668 ⇢ 71.0
  Longitudes	-169.0 ⇢ -50.33333333333333

This function can take a little longer to run, as it involves a clipping step based on circles around the presences; this will be optimized in the future.

We can plot this layer to see what it looks like:

plot(convert(Float32, wr_one_pa), c=:Greys, leg=false)
scatter!(longitudes(observations), latitudes(observations), lab="", msw=0.0, ms=1, c=:orange)

This is a much better distribution of pseudo-absences! Of course, the consequences of which pseudo-absence method to pick is key in the accuracy of the model. The WithinRadius method may not always perform better. In fact, in the Boosted Regression Tree exmaple, we will see how SurfaceRangeEnvelope gives excellent results.