Finding boundaries

The output of a wombling operation can be used to pick boundaries, i.e. areas where the values within the landscape transition sharply indicating different 'patches'. We will illustrate this with a simple example of a three-patch landscape.

using SpatialBoundaries
using StatsPlots
default(; dpi=500, size=(600, 600), aspectratio=1, c=:batlow, frame=:box)

Let's create a landscape with two values:

A = rand(Float64, 200, 150);
A[1:80, 1:85] .+= 5.0;
A[110:end, 130:end] .+= 3.0;

We can check out what this landscape looks likes:


We can apply wombling to this landscape, assuming that all cells have the same size:

W = wombling(A);

Let's look at the rate of change:

heatmap(W.m; c=:nuuk)

Picking the boundaries is done by passing the wombling output to the boundaries function, with a specific threshold giving the proportion of points that should be retained as part of the boundaries. Checking what the effect of this threshold is would be a good idea:

thresholds = LinRange(0.0, 0.2, 200)
patches = [length(boundaries(W, t)) for t in thresholds]

plot(thresholds, log1p.(patches), aspectratio=:none)
xaxis!("Threshold", (0., 0.2))
yaxis!("log(boundary patches + 1)", (0., 9.))

Let's eyeball this as 0.01, and see how the patches are distributed.

Another way we can look at the boundaries is to see when a patch is considered to be a boundary. To do so we will create an empty matrix, and fill each position with the lowest threshold at which it is considered to be a boundary:

b = similar(W.m)

for t in reverse(LinRange(0.0, 1.0, 200))
    b[boundaries(W, t)] .= t

heatmap(b, c=:tofino, clim=(0,1))

This also suggests that we will get well delineated patches for low values of the threshold.

B = boundaries(W, 0.01);

In the following figure, cells identified as candidate boundaries are marked in white:

scatter!([(reverse(x.I)) for x in B], leg=false, msw=0, c=:white)

We can see that the boundaries of the patches have been well identified!