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Food web measures



Distance to primary producers

# SpeciesInteractionNetworks.distancetobaseFunction.

distancetobase(::Type{SPM}, N::SpeciesInteractionNetwork{<:Unipartite{T}, <:Interactions}, sp::T, f) where {T, SPM <: ShortestPathMethod}

Measures the distance of species sp to a basal species in the food web, where a basal species is defined as having a generaliry of 0.

Following e.g. Thompson et al. (2012), we assign a distance to the base of 1 to the basal species. Primary consumers have a distance of 2, etc.

Post (2002) notes that the trophic level can be obtained from the maximum, mean, or minimum distance to a producer. Given that consumers may be connected to more than one producer, one might argue that the mode or median of these connections may be relevant. For this reason, the function f will consume an array of distances, and return a scalar.

In favor of the minimum, one can argue that most energy transfer should happen along short chains; but imagining a consumer atop a chain of length 5, also connected directly to a producer, the minimum would give it a trophic level of 2, hiding its position at the top of the food web.

In favor of the maximum, one can argue that the higher chains give a better idea of how far energy coming from the bottom of the food web can go. This is a strong indication of how vertically diverse it is (Duffy et al., 2007).


Duffy, Cardinale, France, McIntyre, Thébault and Loreau (2007)

Post (2002)

Thompson, Brose, Dunne, Hall, Hladyz, Kitching, Martinez, Rantala, Romanuk, Stouffer and Tylianakis (2012)


distancetobase(N::SpeciesInteractionNetwork{<:Unipartite{T}, <:Interactions}, sp::T) where {T}

Default measure of distancetobase using the BellmanFord shortest paths and the maximum distance.


distancetobase(N::SpeciesInteractionNetwork{<:Unipartite{T}, <:Interactions}, sp::T, f) where {T}

Default measure of distancetobase using the BellmanFord shortest paths and the distance returned by f.
