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The niche model of food webs

The niche model of food webs

In this example, we will look at data from 50 pelagic food webs (Havens, 1992), to figure out how the niche model of food webs captures the structure of empirical networks.

using SpeciesInteractionNetworks
import Statistics
import CairoMakie

In order to carry out this example, we will explicitely import functions from the Mangal package, which will allow to query the database. This is done with mangalnetwork.

import SpeciesInteractionNetworks.Mangal
dataset = Mangal.dataset("havens_1992")
networks = mangalnetwork.(Mangal.networks(dataset); taxonlevel=true)

@info extrema(richness.(networks))
@info extrema(links.(networks))
[ Info: (11, 67)
[ Info: (11, 396)

Paging and API queries

Queries using the mangal API use a paging system. This dataset only has 50 networks, which happens to fit in a single page, but this may not be the case for all datasets. Go check out the appropriate documentation.

Note that this step is constrained in part by queries over the network, as we are requesting about 50 different networks. In order to simplify the analysis, we will make these networks binary, using render:

networks = [render(Binary, network) for network in networks]

@info extrema(richness.(networks))
@info extrema(links.(networks))
[ Info: (11, 67)
[ Info: (11, 396)

To simplify the analysis, we will focus on a single property of interest (the spectral radius), and look at the distribution of the value for 99 replicates – this is not enough for an actualy analysis, but good enough for a demonstration.

function nm_comparison(N::SpeciesInteractionNetwork)
    R = [structuralmodel(NicheModel, N) for _ in 1:99]
    return spectralradius.(R)
nm_comparison (generic function with 1 method)

We will simplify things further by onlly looking at the z-score, so we can extract the mean and standard deviation. We will return a function to calculate the z-score instead of the raw values:

summarizer(x) = (x₀) -> (x₀ - Statistics.mean(x)) / Statistics.std(x)
summarizer (generic function with 1 method)

And the z-scores are:

Z = zeros(Float64, length(networks))
for (i,network) in enumerate(networks)
    zₙ = summarizer(nm_comparison(network))
    Z[i] = zₙ(spectralradius(network))

How well does the niche model approximates the spectral radius? We can look at the distribution of z-scores, and their relationship with e.g. connectance:

f = CairoMakie.Figure(backgroundcolor = :transparent, resolution = (800, 300))
ax1 = CairoMakie.Axis(f[1,1], xlabel="Z-score", ylabel="Probability")
ax2 = CairoMakie.Axis(f[1,2], xlabel="Connectance", ylabel="Z-score")
CairoMakie.hist!(ax1, Z; normalization=:probability, fillto=0.0, color=(:slategray, 0.4), bins=20)
CairoMakie.scatter!(ax2, connectance.(networks), Z; color=:slategray)
CairoMakie.vlines!(ax1, [0.0]; color=:black)
CairoMakie.hlines!(ax2, [0.0]; color=:black)

It seems that the niche model tends to under-estimate the spectral radius, although this is more marked for less densely connected networks.