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To showcase swap! in practice, we will work through through a simple example of (i) generating a perfectly nested network, (ii) shuffling interactions by maintaining the generality of top-level species, and (iii) looking at the way the nestdeness of the entire network changes with each successive swap.

using SpeciesInteractionNetworks
import CairoMakie

We can generate a nested network rather easily, by creating a matrix of binary interactions, where the species interact with species from a lower rank:

A = zeros(Bool, (10, 14))
for i in axes(A, 1)
    for j in axes(A, 2)
        if i <= j
            A[i,j] = true

We can declare a network without having to define all of the species, by first wrapping our matrix inside a Binary type, and then generating a Bipartite species set with the right number of species:

edges = Binary(A)
nodes = Bipartite(edges)
N = SpeciesInteractionNetwork(nodes, edges)
A binary bipartite network
 → 95 interactions
 → 10 & 14 species

The initial nestedness of this network, measured using η is (network, top-level contribution, bottom-level contribution):

(η(N), η(N,1), η(N,2))
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

In order to generate the series of successive permutations, we will define an empty array of values, and then for each successive step, calculate the nestedness of the network, and then swap interactions under the given constraint.

nestedness_series = zeros(Float64, 1000)
for i in axes(nestedness_series, 1)
    nestedness_series[i] = η(N)
    swap!(N, Generality)

#!!! warning "A note about swaps and underlying nodes/edges"

When we perform the swap! operation, we are modifying the network (this is what we want!), but we are also modifying the edges object. If you want to re-use the edges in another network, be mindful of the fact that this will be the randomized edges. See copy for a way to create new copies of a network.

Finally, we can plot the result, to check that 1000 swaps are enough to bring us to some sort of equilibrium of the randomized nestedness:

f = CairoMakie.Figure(backgroundcolor = :transparent, resolution = (800, 300))
ax = CairoMakie.Axis(f[1,1], xlabel="Swap", ylabel = "Nestedness")
CairoMakie.lines!(ax, nestedness_series, color=(:black, 0.5))