Where do networks stop?
I like geography best, he said, because your mountains & rivers know the secret. Pay no attention to boundaries. - Brian Andreas



Empirical networks

Empirical networks were constructed from the interactions recorded by Kopelke et al. (2017). This dataset consists of replicate samples of Salix (willow species) – willow-galling sawfly – predator interactions across Europe. Data collection spanned 29 years across 641 sites (some with repeat visits) revealing 1 173 links across sites and trophic levels. Sites spanned a large latitudinal (in the context of continental Europe) from Italy (39.00/deg N) to Norway (70.78/deg N). Making this a good dataset to interrogate regarding the aim of this paper owing to the large environmental gradient.


Discussion and Conclusions


Kopelke, J.-P., Nyman, T., Cazelles, K., Gravel, D., Vissault, S. & Roslin, T. (2017). Food-web structure of willow-galling sawflies and their natural enemies across Europe. Ecology, 98, 1730–1730.