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The purpose of this package is to get raster datasets for use in biogeography work, retrieve them from online locations, and store them in a central location to avoid data duplication. Datasets are downloaded upon request, and only the required files are downloaded.

The package is built around two "pillars":

  1. An interface based on traits, which specifies where the data live (remotely and locally), what the shape of the data is, and which keyword arguments are usable to query the data.

  2. A type system to identify which datasets are accessible through various providers, and which future scenarios are available.

The combination of the interface and the type system means that adding a new dataset is relatively straightforward, and in particular that there is no need to write dataset-specific code to download the files (beyond specifying where the data live).

The purpose of the documentation is to (i) provide a high-level overview of how to get data from a user point of view, (ii) list the datasets that are accessible for users through the package alongside their most important features and (iii) give a comprehensive overview of the way the interface works, to facilitate the addition of new data sources.