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GBIF.format_date Function

Internal function to format dates in records


GBIF.validate_occurrence_query Function

Checks that the queries for occurrences searches are well formatted.

This is used internally.

Everything this function does is derived from the GBIF API documentation, including (and especially) the values for enum types. This modifies the queryset. Filters that are not allowed are removed, and filters that have incorrect values are dropped too.

This feels like the most conservative option – the user can always filter the results when they are returned.

source Function
show([io::IO = stdout], x)

Write a text representation of a value x to the output stream io. New types T should overload show(io::IO, x::T). The representation used by show generally includes Julia-specific formatting and type information, and should be parseable Julia code when possible.

repr returns the output of show as a string.

For a more verbose human-readable text output for objects of type T, define show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/plain", ::T) in addition. Checking the :compact IOContext key (often checked as get(io, :compact, false)::Bool) of io in such methods is recommended, since some containers show their elements by calling this method with :compact => true.

See also print, which writes un-decorated representations.


julia> show("Hello World!")
"Hello World!"
julia> print("Hello World!")
Hello World!


show(io::IO, mime, x)

The display functions ultimately call show in order to write an object x as a given mime type to a given I/O stream io (usually a memory buffer), if possible. In order to provide a rich multimedia representation of a user-defined type T, it is only necessary to define a new show method for T, via: show(io, ::MIME"mime", x::T) = ..., where mime is a MIME-type string and the function body calls write (or similar) to write that representation of x to io. (Note that the MIME"" notation only supports literal strings; to construct MIME types in a more flexible manner use MIME{Symbol("")}.)

For example, if you define a MyImage type and know how to write it to a PNG file, you could define a function show(io, ::MIME"image/png", x::MyImage) = ... to allow your images to be displayed on any PNG-capable AbstractDisplay (such as IJulia). As usual, be sure to import in order to add new methods to the built-in Julia function show.

Technically, the MIME"mime" macro defines a singleton type for the given mime string, which allows us to exploit Julia's dispatch mechanisms in determining how to display objects of any given type.

The default MIME type is MIME"text/plain". There is a fallback definition for text/plain output that calls show with 2 arguments, so it is not always necessary to add a method for that case. If a type benefits from custom human-readable output though, show(::IO, ::MIME"text/plain", ::T) should be defined. For example, the Day type uses 1 day as the output for the text/plain MIME type, and Day(1) as the output of 2-argument show.


julia> struct Day

julia>, ::MIME"text/plain", d::Day) = print(io, d.n, " day")

julia> Day(1)
1 day

Container types generally implement 3-argument show by calling show(io, MIME"text/plain"(), x) for elements x, with :compact => true set in an IOContext passed as the first argument.


Show an occurrence

show(io::IO, o::GBIFRecord)

Displays the key, the taxon name, and the country of observation.


Show several occurrences

show(io::IO, o::GBIFRecords)

Displays the total number, and the number of currently unmasked records.


Show a taxonomic record

show(io::IO, t::GBIFTaxon)

Displays the taxon name.


show([io::IO, ]df::AbstractDataFrame;
     allrows::Bool = !get(io, :limit, false),
     allcols::Bool = !get(io, :limit, false),
     allgroups::Bool = !get(io, :limit, false),
     rowlabel::Symbol = :Row,
     summary::Bool = true,
     eltypes::Bool = true,
     truncate::Int = 32,

Render a data frame to an I/O stream. The specific visual representation chosen depends on the width of the display.

If io is omitted, the result is printed to stdout, and allrows, allcols and allgroups default to false.


  • io::IO: The I/O stream to which df will be printed.

  • df::AbstractDataFrame: The data frame to print.

  • allrows::Bool: Whether to print all rows, rather than a subset that fits the device height. By default this is the case only if io does not have the IOContext property limit set.

  • allcols::Bool: Whether to print all columns, rather than a subset that fits the device width. By default this is the case only if io does not have the IOContext property limit set.

  • allgroups::Bool: Whether to print all groups rather than the first and last, when df is a GroupedDataFrame. By default this is the case only if io does not have the IOContext property limit set.

  • rowlabel::Symbol = :Row: The label to use for the column containing row numbers.

  • summary::Bool = true: Whether to print a brief string summary of the data frame.

  • eltypes::Bool = true: Whether to print the column types under column names.

  • truncate::Int = 32: the maximal display width the output can use before being truncated (in the textwidth sense, excluding ). If truncate is 0 or less, no truncation is applied.

  • kwargs...: Any keyword argument supported by the function pretty_table of PrettyTables.jl can be passed here to customize the output.


julia> using DataFrames

julia> df = DataFrame(A=1:3, B=["x", "y", "z"]);

julia> show(df, show_row_number=false)
3×2 DataFrame
 A      B
 Int64  String
     1  x
     2  y
     3  z


show(io::IO, mime::MIME, df::AbstractDataFrame)

Render a data frame to an I/O stream in MIME type mime.


  • io::IO: The I/O stream to which df will be printed.

  • mime::MIME: supported MIME types are: "text/plain", "text/html", "text/latex", "text/csv", "text/tab-separated-values" (the last two MIME types do not support showing #undef values)

  • df::AbstractDataFrame: The data frame to print.

Additionally selected MIME types support passing the following keyword arguments:

  • MIME type "text/plain" accepts all listed keyword arguments and their behavior is identical as for show(::IO, ::AbstractDataFrame)

  • MIME type "text/html" accepts the following keyword arguments:

    • eltypes::Bool = true: Whether to print the column types under column names.

    • summary::Bool = true: Whether to print a brief string summary of the data frame.

    • max_column_width::AbstractString = "": The maximum column width. It must be a string containing a valid CSS length. For example, passing "100px" will limit the width of all columns to 100 pixels. If empty, the columns will be rendered without limits.

    • kwargs...: Any keyword argument supported by the function pretty_table of PrettyTables.jl can be passed here to customize the output.


julia> show(stdout, MIME("text/latex"), DataFrame(A=1:3, B=["x", "y", "z"]))
	& A & B\\
	& Int64 & String\\
	1 & 1 & x \\
	2 & 2 & y \\
	3 & 3 & z \\

julia> show(stdout, MIME("text/csv"), DataFrame(A=1:3, B=["x", "y", "z"]))


show(io::IO, x::Quantity)

Show a unitful quantity by calling showval on the numeric value, appending a space, and then calling show on a units object U().


show(io::IO, x::Unitlike)

Call Unitful.showrep on each object in the tuple that is the type variable of a Unitful.Units or Unitful.Dimensions object.
