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Data representation


Representation of a GBIF taxon

All taxonomic level fields can either be missing, or a pair linking the name of the taxon/level to its unique key in the GBIF database.

name - the vernacular name of the taxon

scientific - the accepted scientific name of the species

status - the status of the taxon

match - the type of match

kingdom - a Pair linking the name of the kingdom to its unique ID

phylum - a Pair linking the name of the phylum to its unique ID

class - a Pair linking the name of the class to its unique ID

order - a Pair linking the name of the order to its unique ID

family - a Pair linking the name of the family to its unique ID

genus - a Pair linking the name of the genus to its unique ID

species - a Pair linking the name of the species to its unique ID

confidence - an Int64 to note the confidence in the match

synonym - a Boolean indicating whether the taxon is a synonym


GBIF.GBIFRecord Type

Represents an occurrence in the GBIF format

This is currently a subset of all the fields. This struct is not mutable – this ensures that the objects returned from the GBIF database are never modified by the user.

The taxon field is a GBIFTaxon object, and can therefore be manipulated as any other GBIFTaxon.


GBIF.GBIFRecords Type

List of occurrences and metadata

This type has actually very few information: the query field stores the query parameters. This type is mutable and fully iterable.

The occurrences field is pre-allocated, meaning that it will contain #undef elements up to the total number of hits on GBIF. When iterating, this is taken care of automatically, but this needs to be accounted for if writing code that accesses this field directly.
