Training SDMs with SDeMo
The purpose of this vignette is to take a whistle-stop tour of the what the package has to offer. We will see how to train a model, cross-validate it, select variables, tune hyper-parameters, use bootstraping to measure uncertainty, show partial response curves, calculate varialble importances through bootstraping and Shapley values, and generate counterfactual inputs.
Mapping the outputs
The functions to interact with raster data, and present the outputs of models as maps, are implemented as part of SpeciesDistributionToolkit
). There is a follow-up tutorial that focuses on visualisation of SDM outputs.
This vignette is very terse and is not an introduction to using or interpreting these models!
Setting up the environment
using SpeciesDistributionToolkit
using Statistics
using CairoMakie
using PrettyTables
The package comes with a series of demonstration data, that represent the presences and absences of Sitta whiteheadi at about 1500 locations in Corsica, with 19 bioclim environmental variables:
X, y = SDeMo.__demodata()
(19, 1484)
Setting up the model
We will start with an initial model that uses a PCA to transform the data, and then a Naive Bayes Classifier for the classification. Note that this is the partial syntax where we use the default threshold, and all the variables:
sdm = SDM(MultivariateTransform{PCA}, NaiveBayes, X, y)
PCATransform → NaiveBayes → P(x) ≥ 0.5
The transformations will by default only account for the presences. This is motivated by the fact that absences will often be pseudo-absences, and therefore should not be used to transform the data. There are ways to use absences to transform the data as well, which are presented in the SDeMo
Initial cross-validation
Throughout this demonstration, we will use the same splits between validation and training data, with 10 folds:
folds = kfold(sdm; k = 10);
Using the same splits is important because it will provide a fair basis of comparison for the different models.
Before starting any manipulation, we can start cross-validating the model: this will return a named tuple with the confusion matrices for validation and training data:
cv = crossvalidate(sdm, folds);
The reason why we return the confusion matrices as opposed to directly measuring statistics is that we have more freedom to manipulate the data, without needing to re-run the analysis. For example, we can get the average of a handful of measures on this first step of cross validation:
measures = [mcc, balancedaccuracy, ppv, npv, trueskill, markedness]
cvresult = [measure(set) for measure in measures, set in cv]
hcat(string.(measures), cvresult);
alignment = [:l, :c, :c],
backend = Val(:markdown),
header = ["Measure", "Validation", "Training"],
formatters = ft_printf("%5.3f", [2, 3]),
Measure | Validation | Training |
mcc | 0.501 | 0.502 |
balancedaccuracy | 0.749 | 0.748 |
ppv | 0.730 | 0.730 |
npv | 0.776 | 0.776 |
trueskill | 0.498 | 0.497 |
markedness | 0.506 | 0.506 |
By default, calling a function to measure model performance (the full list is in the manual) on a series of confusion matrices will return the average. Adding the true
argument returns a tuple with the 95% CI:
mcc(cv.validation, true)
(0.5014894802983206, 0.04048032968194452)
If we want to get a simple idea of what the MCC is for the validation data for all folds, we can use:
10-element Vector{Float64}:
The associated confidence interval is
ci(cv.validation, mcc)
Note that cross-validation does not train the model. This is meant to convey the idea that cross-validation is letting us know whether the model is good enough to be trained. If we want to forgo variable selection, we can train the model with
PCATransform → NaiveBayes → P(x) ≥ 0.39
Variable selection
We will now select variables using forward selection, but with the added constraint that the first variable (annual mean temperature) must be included:
forwardselection!(sdm, folds, [1])
PCATransform → NaiveBayes → P(x) ≥ 0.322
This operation will retrain the model. We can now look at the list of selected variables:
6-element Vector{Int64}:
Is this making a difference in terms of cross-validation?
cv2 = crossvalidate(sdm, folds)
measures = [mcc, balancedaccuracy, ppv, npv, trueskill, markedness]
cvresult = [measure(set) for measure in measures, set in cv2]
hcat(string.(measures), cvresult);
alignment = [:l, :c, :c],
backend = Val(:markdown),
header = ["Measure", "Validation", "Training"],
formatters = ft_printf("%5.3f", [2, 3]),
Measure | Validation | Training |
mcc | 0.788 | 0.785 |
balancedaccuracy | 0.898 | 0.896 |
ppv | 0.842 | 0.842 |
npv | 0.938 | 0.937 |
trueskill | 0.796 | 0.792 |
markedness | 0.780 | 0.779 |
Quite clearly! Before thinking about the relative importance of variables, we will take a look at the thresold.
Moving threshold classification
The crossvalidate
function comes with an optional argument to specify the threshold between a positive and negative outcome. We can use this to figure out the best possible threshold:
thresholds = LinRange(0.01, 0.99, 200)
cv3 = [crossvalidate(sdm, folds; thr = t) for t in thresholds];
We can plot the simplified version of this analysis (averaged across all folds for each value of the threshold):
Code for the figure
f = Figure()
ax = Axis(f[1, 1]; aspect = 1, xlabel = "Threshold", ylabel = "MCC")
scatter!(ax, thresholds, [mean(mcc.(s.validation)) for s in cv3])
ax2 = Axis(f[1, 2]; aspect = 1, xlabel = "Precision", ylabel = "Recall")
[mean(SDeMo.precision.(s.validation)) for s in cv3],
[mean(SDeMo.recall.(s.validation)) for s in cv3],
xlims!(ax, 0.0, 1.0)
ylims!(ax, 0.0, 1.0)
xlims!(ax2, 0.0, 1.0)
ylims!(ax2, 0.0, 1.0)
For reference, the threshold at the end of this process is:
Variable importance
We can evaluate the importance of each variable by bootstrap, where the values of this variable are randomized, and the absolute value of the difference in model performance is returned (averaged across all folds):
varimp = variableimportance(sdm, folds)
6-element Vector{Float64}:
In relative terms, this is:
hcat(variables(sdm), varimp ./ sum(varimp));
alignment = [:l, :c],
backend = Val(:markdown),
header = ["Variable", "Importance"],
formatters = (ft_printf("%5.3f", 2), ft_printf("%d", 1)),
Variable | Importance |
1 | 0.323 |
3 | 0.087 |
6 | 0.334 |
4 | 0.212 |
15 | 0.040 |
2 | 0.003 |
Partial response curve
Another way to look at the effect of variables is to use the partial response curves. For example, we can look at the predictions of the model between 5 and 15 degrees:
prx, pry = partialresponse(sdm, 1, LinRange(5.0, 15.0, 100); threshold = false);
Note that we use threshold=false
to make sure that we look at the score that is returned by the classifier, and not the thresholded version.
Code for the figure
f = Figure()
ax = Axis(f[1, 1]; xlabel = "BIO1", ylabel = "Partial response")
lines!(ax, prx, pry; color = :black)
hlines!(ax, [threshold(sdm)]; color = :red, linestyle = :dash)
We can also show the response surface using two variables:
prx, pry, prz = partialresponse(sdm, variables(sdm)[1:2]..., (100, 100); threshold = false);
Note that the last element returned in this case is a two-dimensional array, as it makes sense to visualize the result as a heatmap. Although the idea of a the partial response curves generalizes to more than two dimensions, it is not supported by the package.
Code for the figure
f = Figure()
ax = Axis(f[1, 1]; xlabel = "BIO$(variables(sdm)[1])", ylabel = "BIO$(variables(sdm)[2])")
cm = heatmap!(prx, pry, prz; colormap = :Oranges)
Colorbar(f[1, 2], cm)
Inflated partial responses
Inflated partial responses replace the average value by other values drawn from different quantiles of the variables:
Code for the figure
f = Figure()
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])
prx, pry = partialresponse(sdm, 1; inflated = false, threshold = false)
for i in 1:200
ix, iy = partialresponse(sdm, 1; inflated = true, threshold = false)
lines!(ax, ix, iy; color = (:grey, 0.5))
lines!(ax, prx, pry; color = :black, linewidth = 4)
Measuring uncertainty with bagging
We can wrap our model into an homogeneous ensemble:
ensemble = Bagging(sdm, 20)
{PCATransform → NaiveBayes → P(x) ≥ 0.322} × 20
Ensemble models can be used in the same way as regular models, but take an extra keyword consensus
to indicate how the results from each model should be reconciled. By default, this is the median
, but for uncertainty, iqr
is a great choice. Note that we use threshold=false
because we want to look at the distribution of the score, not the boolean output:
uncert = predict(ensemble; consensus = iqr, threshold = false);
Code for the figure
hist(uncert; color = :grey, axis = (; xlabel = "Uncertainty (IQR)"))
Heterogeneous ensembles
We can setup an heterogeneous ensemble model by passing several SDMs to Ensemble
m1 = SDM(MultivariateTransform{PCA}, NaiveBayes, X, y)
m2 = SDM(RawData, BIOCLIM, X, y)
m3 = SDM(MultivariateTransform{PCA}, BIOCLIM, X, y)
variables!(m2, [1, 12])
hm = Ensemble(m1, m2, m3)
An ensemble model with:
PCATransform → NaiveBayes → P(x) ≥ 0.5
RawData → BIOCLIM → P(x) ≥ 0.01
PCATransform → BIOCLIM → P(x) ≥ 0.01
We can train this model in the same way:
An ensemble model with:
PCATransform → NaiveBayes → P(x) ≥ 0.39
RawData → BIOCLIM → P(x) ≥ 0.11
PCATransform → BIOCLIM → P(x) ≥ 0.102
And get predictions:
predict(hm; consensus = median, threshold = false)[1:10]
10-element Vector{Float64}:
Note that the ensemble models (Bagging
and Ensemble
) are supported by the explain
, partialresponse
, and counterfactual
Explaining predictions
We can perform the (MCMC version of) Shapley values measurement, using the explain
[explain(sdm, v; observation = 3) for v in variables(sdm)]
6-element Vector{Float64}:
These values are returned as the effect of this variable's value on the average prediction for this observation.
We can also produce a figure that looks like the partial response curve, by showing the effect on a variable on each training instance:
Code for the figure
f = Figure()
ax = Axis(f[1, 1]; xlabel = "BIO1", ylabel = "Effect on the average prediction")
scatter!(ax, features(sdm, 1), explain(sdm, 1; threshold = true); color = :purple)
In the final example, we will focus on generating a counterfactual input, i.e. a set of hypothetical inputs that lead the model to predicting the other outcome. Internally, candidate points are generated using the Nelder-Mead algorithm, which works well enough but is not compatible with categorical data.
We will pick one prediction to flip:
inst = 4
And look at its outcome:
outcome = predict(sdm)[inst]
Our target is expressed in terms of the score we want the counterfactual to reach (and not in terms of true/false, this is very important):
target = outcome ? 0.9threshold(sdm) : 1.1threshold(sdm)
The actual counterfactual is generated as:
cf = counterfactual(
instance(sdm, inst; strict = false),
threshold = false,
19-element Vector{Float64}:
The last value (set to 200.0
here) is the learning rate, which usually needs to be tuned. The countefactual input for the observation we are interested in is:
hcat(variables(sdm), instance(sdm, inst), cf[variables(sdm)]);
alignment = [:l, :c, :c],
backend = Val(:markdown),
header = ["Variable", "Obs.", "Counterf."],
formatters = (ft_printf("%4.1f", [2, 3]), ft_printf("%d", 1)),
Variable | Obs. | Counterf. |
1 | 6.6 | 13.2 |
3 | 21.0 | 20.9 |
6 | -1.6 | -0.3 |
4 | 505.1 | 505.1 |
15 | 48.0 | 48.0 |
2 | 3.8 | 3.8 |
We can check the prediction that would be made on the counterfactual:
predict(sdm, cf)
This vignette offered a very quick overview of what the SDeMo
package does. The integration with the rest of the SpeciesDistributionToolkit
ecosystem is detailed in the main documentation.